Jana Beleš Hurtová

Project Management Division Director, DWC Slovakia, a.s.

"I met Zuzana when she was working as an HR Director at NESS Technologies. She won me over with her professional yet perceptive, accommodating and proactive approach with which she was solving all the challenges that came her way.

Once, I found myself facing to lead a team through a challenging project that many specialists in the field believed was impossible to do due to the requested timeframe, quality, price and especially lack of human resources - a project declared as unsuccessful from the get-go. During this time, it was Zuzana who over a few coaching sessions together managed to spark a determination in me to achieve the unachievable. She provoked me to find a way to achieve my goal and find inner strength in me to enforce conditions necessary for its realization. In hindsight, I can positively say that Zuzana's couching played a key role in achieving my goal.

Zuzana, during our coaching sessions, managed to keep focus on finding the optimal solution from within me, despite not being a specialist in the given field. She managed to gain my full trust and achieve relaxed, open, professional and highly effective atmosphere. She never broke my trust and carried the sessions in a very caring and pleasant manner.
If someone capable but doubtful asked me who to professionally consult with regarding a challenge or obstacle they might be facing, I would, without a doubt in my mind, answer - approach Zuzana, with her help you will be able to find the best solution for you."